This video is a PowerPoint slideshow giving an overview of Toby’s Music Lessons
This video highlights the benefits of Practice Logs
Find your musical inspiration again
This video explains how to book your lessons online
This video shows you Toby’s music room
This video shows different rhythmic feels when playing a 12 bar blues
This video demonstrates how recordings of your playing are done
This video shows how to play a classic blues guitar riff
This video gives a visual example of good dynamics when playing a song
This video shows a riff played using the minor pentatonic scale, followed by the same riff using a major pentatonic scale
This video explains one method of composing bass lines to fit in with different drum beats by listening to the kick drum to create bass line
Here are my top 5 favourite blues turnarounds to play on guitar. All turnarounds are in the key of E
This video shows a 12 bar blues rhythm guitar part using 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th chords so you can clearly hear how the different extensions sound
This is a slow blues to practise soloing